With three seasons gone and a fourth on the way, HBO‘s “Eastbound & Down” has proven that the only things more brazenly over-the-top than its ego-maniacal antihero Kenny Powers, played with breathtaking commitment by Danny McBride, are the show’s promos.
When this trailer for Season 1 aired, scored to riff-tastic licks by The Black Keys, Powers was a down-and-out major league pitcher forced to return to the podunk town that raised him. Yet nothing can stop his monstrous self-love from manifesting in glorious delusional fantasy.
In Season 2 of “Eastbound and Down,” Powers looked to get back on track in his career and the promos followed suit, with a distinct uptick in attitude and cool factor.
By Season 3, Powers was finding his way again and ready to party like never before, as this promo suggests in a particularly poetic blend of beauty and trash.
For Season 4, it’s time to pull out all the stops as Powers’ megalomania becomes downright mythological.
Brief Take: “Eastbound and Down” has consistently put out promos that honor the series’ irreverent spirit while also presenting an original vision all their own. That’s a recipe for marketing that endures.