Jay, Gloria, Phil, Claire, Mitch and Cam invite America to make every night family night by enjoying “Modern Family” in its new syndicated home.
Client: 20th Television
Agency/Production Company: Workshop Creative
Executive VP, Marketing and Advertising, 20th Television: Richard DuMont
Directing, Marketing and Advertising, 20th Television: Ignacio Mata
Manager, On-Air Promotion, 20thTelevision: Jasmine Walker
Creative Director, Workshop Creative: Seth Berkowitz
Producer, Workshop Creative: Sarah Dietrich
Copywriter: Brandon Martin
Director: Steve Levitan
Editor, Workshop Creative: Chris Haskell
Editor, Workshop Creative: Lawrence Duane
Editor, Workshop Creative: Alex Camacho
Editor, Workshop Creative: Chris Cotter
Editor, Workshop Creative: Kevin Frederickson
Graphics, Workshop Creative: J Ramos
Graphics, Workshop Creative: Diego Stehl