Donald Trump’s announcement that he would be running for President on the Republican ticket, and the subsequent coverage of his campaign appearances and performance in the first Republican presidential debate on Fox News last week has kept the real estate mogul-turned-reality-TV-star in the news all summer long. You may be getting sick of him but comedians never will. And that makes the presidential campaign’s next 16 months a little bit better for all of us.
In 2011, Jimmy Fallon talked with former CNN host Piers Morgan and made a point that remains true today: “He’s a smart, smart businessman. He knows what he’s doing. Running for president, not running for president. Celebrity Apprentice. He’s genius.”
SNL’s Seth Meyers also had a little fun at Trump’s expense at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner in May 2011: “Donald Trump has been saying he’s running for president as a Republican, which is surprising because I just assumed he was running as a joke.”
Even President Obama took some shots at Trump:
Later, both Meyers and Anderson Cooper shared some Trump war stories:
Comedy Central aired an entire roast of Donald Trump, hosted by Seth MacFarlane:
And finally, let’s never forget this:
Sept. 8 cannot come fast enough.