Syfy released a new spot for their December miniseries Childhood’s End that brilliantly teases viewers and leaves them wanting more.
An older man with a British accent sits in the center of a slightly futuristic room and explains how humans “had begun to get things wrong” with economic crisis, disease, war.
“We need supervising. We need reigning back.”
Suddenly, large alien crafts appear, and humans are given heaven on earth “as an attempt at sugaring the pill.”
“More than that, I cannot say,” he concludes with the flash of a smile.
Syfy has adapted Arthur C. Clarke’s classic 1953 novel into a three-night mini series set for a December launch.
The network used December for another three-night event series last year, Ascension, which was rumored to be under consideration for a full-series pickup, before Syfy ultimately decided to move on.