At PromaxBDA’s Station Summit on Thursday, 602 Communications’ Graeme Newell delivered the session, “Breakout News Brands: The Secrets of Hyper-Local Promotion.” We present his five session takeaways for those not in attendance.

Pay the Toll. Every promo is a little agreement. The viewer agrees to watch, but only if you agree to enthrall her. Engaging and entertaining are NOT optional in the world of advertising.

Market One Attribute at a Time. Customers are overwhelmed with advertising clutter. Asking viewers to remember multiple product attributes is a losing battle. Keep it simple. Make one point per spot.

Get Over Yourself. Your promo starts as an interruption to the viewer’s favorite program. The only way she will forgive you is if you make the ad all about her. If you can show how your product will serve her, she may honor your brand by remembering it exists.

80% Them/20% You. Inventory your promo. 20% of the time you can talk about your products and your agenda. 80% of the copy should be solely dedicated to entertaining or engaging the customer on her terms.

Build Features on Customer Ego. Customers will consider purchasing your product if it has all the required features, but to close the deal, your brand must build customer egos. Show them how your product will make their dreams come true.

Graeme Newell is a customer loyalty researcher who shows media companies how to get viewers watching longer, and more often. Newell’s company, 602 Communications, has consulted broadcast groups, and global media companies such as CNN, Sony, Time-Warner, News Corp, and Disney.


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