Just after their spot for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics won several Golds at the Promax Europe Awards 2021, France Télévisions (also known as France TV) and MullenLowe France are back with this photographic spot for the Tokyo Paralympics Games, which follows the Olympics and runs from August 24 - September 5.

RELATED: TV 2 Denmark, MullenLowe France Lead Promax Europe Awards 2021

In the spot, which is scored with Queen’s “We Will Rock You,” various paralympic athletes are spotlighted as they prepare to compete at the highest levels.


Client: France TV

Agence: MullenLowe France

Directeurs de création: Jordan Lemarchand, Antoine Colin

Directeur artistique: Jordan Lemarchand

Concepteurs-rédacteurs: Antoine Colin, Olivier Desmettre

Directeur de création France TV: Eric Rinaldi

Responsable agence: Charlie Bouchet, Philippe Adenot

Production: Badass

Producteur: Blaise Izard

Réalisateurs: Original Kids (Loic et Kevin)

Directeur de la photographie : Julien Lascard

Tags: france télévisions france tv hot spots mullenlowe france paraolympics

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