What do a hook, a dagger, a chest and a hat have in common?

They’re all very important, and very dangerous, items to possess in ABC’s Once Upon a Time.

ABC’s fairy tale series took to its Facebook page to tease an upcoming project last week (and it’s not even the exciting midseason premiere with not one, but THREE villains teaming up, returning March 1).

The show has partnered with Marvel on Once Upon a Time: Out of the Past, a graphic novel that will fill out the history of Once Upon a Time’s several characters and what their lives were like before they happened upon Storybrooke.

Starting Jan. 19, Once Upon a Time’s Facebook page began teasing out photos that hinted at the new project, starting with a water color-inspired image of the hook and the line: “Something magical is coming on Friday.” Then came the dagger and rose (Rumplestiltskin and Belle) before the chest (The Evil Queen) and the hat (The Mad Hatter).

The last of the show’s Facebook posts was the announcement that these items will come together in a graphic novel that will also serve as a sequel to its previous book of origin stories, Once Upon a Time: The Shadow of the Queen.

Once Upon a Time: Out of the Past was written by the same author as the first graphic novel, Corinna Bechko, along with Kalinda Vasquez, who is a writer on the TV show and the co-executive producer.

The graphic novel is available for pre-order on Amazon now, and will be released in April. Coming off a big of a ratings hike from its Frozen-related storyline, the show is now turning to an evil trio to maintain the momentum. The book is meant to offer more information about origin stories to entice both new and returning fans.

Read ABC’s full description of the story and see the full cover below:

“Welcome to the Enchanted Forest, where the characters from classic fairy tales have come to life and are locked in an epic struggle between good and evil! Plotted by series writer and co-executive producer, Kalinda Vazquez, and co-written by returning author Corinna Bechko, the release will tie into official show continuity and dive in to four never-before-told stories of fan favorite characters!”

[Images courtesy of ABC]


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