​With 15 of its 18 channels providing content to pay-TV subscribers via authenticated second screen devices, NBCU has been declared the winner of U.S. networks in the battle for TV Everywhere, according to research firm IHS.

IHS’ report from its TV Intelligence Service outlines the top cable and networks performing in the TV Everywhere space, a weapon US networks can wield in the fight to slow down cord-cutting,

The report gives a nod to EPIX and HBO, saying both are “at the forefront of the TVE experience,” with more second-screen support than any other cable network. HBO, Cinemax and BTN2Go are also the only three networks with TV Everywhere authentication pacts with every major U.S. pay-TV provider. But Showtime is the only premium network now offering live streaming through TV Everywhere offerings.

In the report, IHS gives special consideration to VOD availability, adding that 73 TV Everywhere channels have VOD options, wheres only 31 offer live streaming.

The report also points to the most noticeable hold out in the TV Everywhere space: Discovery. (Though the network is expected to join in soon.)

[Image courtesy of NBC]


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