Anything goes in this bright and dynamic animated spot for MTV Brazil’s Summer 2021, whether that’s pairing boomboxes with toucans or underwear hanging on a line, jellyfish with exploding popsicles and a skate-boarding hip-hop pit bull, or a scuba-diving octopus emerging from a cosmic swimming pool.
It’s all pronouncing summer 2021 a summer of fun, even if no one knows how the rest of this year is going to play out.
São Paulo, Brazil-based animation house Consulado provided the trippy animation and sound track.
READ MORE: Stash Media
Client: MTV
Production: Consulado
Director: Tomas Gurgel
Executive Director: Luciana Pessoa
Art Direction: Issao Nakabashi
Art: Issao Nakabashi, Gabriel Pieri, Leonardo Marcondes
Art Assistant: Diego Oliveira
Executive Production/Coordination: Mauricio de Andrade
Producer: Bárbara Betiolo
Storyboard: Issao Nakabashi
Motion: Digo Nascimento, Marina Naomi Kubota
Sound: Sonic Culture “Space Race”
Tags: consulado hot spots mtv brazil