The new pirate drama on Starz got a main title sequence full of beauty and bad omens.
Designed & Produced By: Imaginary Forces (IF)
Directors: Karin Fong & Michelle Dougherty
Art Director: Alan Williams
Executive Producer: Ben Apley
Lead Producer: Brian Butcher
Producers: Keith Bryant, Jon Hassell
Concept Illustration: Alejandro Lee, Vincent Lucido, Bernard Custodio
Lead Modeler: Meats Meier
Modelers: Jamin Joseph-Lackie, Margaret Dost, Odel Palmer, Aaamir Karim, Justin Fields
Lead Lighting & Texturing: Joseph Langmuir
Camera & Previz: Kevin Ferrara
CG Lighting & Texturing: Kevin Ferrara, Steven Hensley, Greg Ruane, Michael Colarik
Editors: Caleb Woods, Gladys Bernadac
Assistant Editor: Michael Radtke
Lead Flame: Rob Basham
Flame: Eric Mason
Assistant Flame: Michael Radtke
Coordinator: Joseph AbouSakher
Production Assistants: Dominick Guglielmo, Alex Frankel, Nicole Zschiesche
Design Interns: Hunter Thompson, Lisa Chen
Client: STARZ
Executive Producer: Jonathan Steinberg
Producer: Jonathan Brytus
Post-Production Supervisor: Brennan Parks
Music Composer: Bear McCreary