Twentieth Television’s syndicated animated sitcom, American Dad, evaluates its own set of “alternative facts” and “fake news” in clips-based spot from Los Angeles-based First Call Creative.

“20th TV’s director of marketing, Jasmine Walker, gave us the green light to develop a creative approach based on our current media chaos. It was a bold and brave call and we worked closely together to hit just the right comedic tone,” said First Call Creative’s Xavier Inguanzo.

A quote by legendary newsman, Dan Rather, asserting that we live in “extraordinary times” frames the spot while clips from the show are supported by graphics, editing and sound design.

First Call Creative—formerly, Radio X Los Angeles—is celebrating its 20th anniversary of creating and producing promos for today’s top shows.


20th Television

SVP of Marketing & Creative: Richard DuMont

Director of Marketing: Jasmine Walker

Coordinator of Marketing: Hiroko Domes

First Call Creative

Chief Creative Officer: Xavier Inguanzo

Writer/Producer: Xavier Inguanzo

Editor: Stuart Robertson

Graphics: Russell Frazier

Sound Mixer: Tony “Jett” Mederos


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