Syfy’s passionate fans can debate just about anything, as this brand campaign from Definition 6 demonstrates.
Starring nerd fan favorites Felicia Day and Orlando Jones, the series of spots feature the two discussing many important topics, including who is more likely to survive an apocalypse, whether or not they would live on Mars and do vampires exist in real life?
Evil Villain Laughs
Fan Theories
Apocalypse Survival Skills
Super Hero Ethics
Director: Milana Vayntrub (Hungryman)
Creative Director: Eve Penzer (Syfy)
Director of Production: Bill Ikin (Syfy)
SVP, Creative: Jeff Blackman (Syfy)
Producer: Stephen Schwartz (Definition 6)
Editor: John Gill (Definition 6)
Sound Design/Mix: Dan O’Sullivan, Jared Tuttle (Definition 6)