​On June 22, ESPN flagship show “SportsCenter” moves to a new state-of-the-art set. But before the old one becomes part of sports history, the sports net wants everyone to remember how the show looked and progressed through the years. First, ESPN released via YouTube this week a clip of the show’s very first broadcast (above) hosted by George Grande.

Next, the sports channel debuted a series of short-form spots called “First Show. First Set.,” in which “SportsCenter” anchors reminisce about the first sets they worked on before they move to the new desk.


“That’s happening television,” said sportscaster Bob Ley. He has been there since September 1979, and waxes poetic on his very first show, particularly his stylish sweater vest and learning how to make the show that started it all.


Linda Cohn looks back at 1992 fondly, saying that although the set might look outdated now, back then it was all about the bright lights, the color scheme and the bangs. “I don’t know, I was a mess then,” said Cohn.


“You couldn’t tell me anything, I look good,” said Stuart Scott. “I look good.” According to Scot, in the ‘90s the set was noted by “muted, flat colors” and the suits were big and baggy.

[Image courtesy of ESPN]


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