On August 1, DIRECTV will launch DogTV on channel 354, designed to do nothing other than entertain our canine friends.

While pet-oriented channels have popped up in various places online, including this YouTube outlet for cats with more than 6,000 subscribers, this is the first entity of its kind to be broadcast on television. Created with the help of veterinarians, dog trainers and behaviorists, its canine-centric programming is designed especially for dogs’ sensitive hearing and vision, including footage of other dogs and other animals, rapid-moving objects, animations and landscapes. Sounds such as squeaks and the noise of children keep dogs riveted, and classical music will be piped in from time to time to keep them relaxed and sleepy.

DogTV is a subscription based channel ($4.99 per month) with few opportunities for advertising considering its core audience is not human. But DogTV founder Ron Levi told mediabistro the channel may look into different revenue models going forward, including evening shows geared towards dog parents.

Read more about the DIRECTV launch at mediabistro.


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