To help in the fight against coronavirus, Chris, Carla and Caleb Sloan are once again deploying Caleb and Calder Sloan’s Awesome Foundation to raise funds with the “COVID-19 Has Met Its Match” campaign.
From now through April 6, the foundation will match individual donations up to $250 to coronavirus-related charities. The foundation vetted several charities on its own and these are listed on its website. It also will match donations to other related charities in this time of need. All donations are tax deductible.
To take advantage of this, send your donation receipt to
Thus far, the foundation has donated more than $50,000 to charities and organizations on the front lines.
Previously, the foundation has raised money in the wake of such disasters as Hurricane Irma in Puerto Rico with Operation Puerto Rico Care-Lift and Operation Puerto Rico Gift-Lift. It also has worked closely with Promax to create charitable activations at the annual conference in June, raising money for homeless and hungry children.
RELATED: House of Awesome Returns to Promax Conference in 2019
Chris and Carla Sloan created the Caleb and Calder Sloan’s Awesome Foundation in memory of their son Calder, who passed away due to an electrical accident in their home swimming pool on April 13, 2014. Calder would have been 13 on April 6.
Tags: caleb and calder sloan’s awesome foundation coronavirus covid-19