While Twitter is often to referred to as the place people to go to talk about TV, Tumblr has increasingly become the place TV goes to connect with fans at a deeper level than almost anywhere else. Shows such as “Game of Thrones” and “Doctor Who” have capitalized on the platform’s lack of ads, building out online campaigns in startlingly innovative ways.
Lost Remote wonders today what will happen to Tumblr‘s so-far wonderful relationship with TV now that it has been purchased by Yahoo! Of course, the reach of the platform and those who use it is about to increase dramatically. But with expanded scope comes changes that could be positive or negative. The platform will now feature advertisements, for instance, which could affect shows’ elaborate build-outs on Tumblr. But then, shows that advertise on Tumblr will be able to creatively target a whole new cadre of fans who may not even know the website exists.
Read about Yahoo!‘s Tumblr buy at Lost Remote.