Never satisfied with just doing cool trailers ahead of a season premiere of Westworld, HBO hid a few extra spots on the internet for those vigilant fans the network knew would dig them up.

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The journey actually started back in November, when the below trailer revealed the involvement of a new corporate entity in Westworld: Incite.

Included on the YouTube page with the spot was the URL for the new company:

Clicking around on the website finally revealed that if you clicked “Privacy Act,” you would see the official season-three trailer, which was unveiled on Wednesday, Feb. 19.

Of course, not to be satisfied with just one trailer reveal, clever Redditors waited around a while and soon learned that if they watched the trailer enough times, others took their place.

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Your World

This trailer starts almost identically to season three’s official trailer but then expands into additional footage and voiceover.

And the third one plays out as if Westworld was a romantic comedy, which it is anything but:

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Season three of Westworld returns to HBO on March 15.

Tags: hbo westworld

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